Thursday, November 27, 2008


i don't know why i always feel weird around holidays. maybe because the true holiday has been bastardized so far from it's original roots, and turned into a marketing scheme for consumer culture. it seems like this country is so bent on keeping an image that no longer exists, and was lost a long time ago. i'm glad as i get older i'm able to disconnect myself from this more and more.
i was supposed to be in cocoa celebrating this day with my sister/her husbands family, but i talked to my dad and convinced them how weird it was, and he said he just wanted me to go there so i wouldn't feel lonely, and expressed his wishes for me to come with him to new york. although, i'm not worried about it. either house would be filled with highly un-vegan meals, and annoying conversations about how i "need to at least drink milk or something." even being disconnected from this culture, there still are some things that i can thank jesus and the holy goat for:

and the girl whos farts smell worse than mine:

probably some other stuff too, i'm sick of looking at this screen though.

gossip girl